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Holistic Therapy Los Angeles

6 Quick Holistic Therapy Tips to Reduce Anxiety at Work in Los Angeles

We’ve all been there—staring at the clock, heart racing, feeling like we’re one email away from a breakdown. Work anxiety is real, and it doesn’t mean you’re weak or incapable. It means you’re human. And guess what? You don’t have to just push through it or ignore how you feel. Holistic therapy can offer you some simple, realistic tools to help manage that anxiety and bring a little peace back into your day. 

Here are 6 straightforward tips you can start using right now to feel more grounded and in control, even when work feels like it’s too much.

Grounding Techniques with Somatic Therapy to Reduce Anxiety in Los Angeles

1. Grounding Techniques: Reconnect with the Present Moment

You know those moments when your brain is running at full speed, and you’re not even sure what you’re stressing about anymore? Grounding techniques are like hitting the pause button. They’re a quick way to bring you back to where you are right now and help calm that mental storm.

Here’s How to Ground Yourself:

Physical Grounding

Put both feet flat on the floor. Feel the ground supporting you. Sometimes, just feeling the texture of the carpet or the coolness of a tile floor can help remind you that you’re here, you’re okay, and you’ve got this. It’s about connecting with the physical space around you, so your mind doesn’t spiral off into the stress abyss.

The 5-4-3-2-1 Method

This one’s a favorite because it’s simple and it works. Start by naming five things you can see around you—could be anything, like the color of your coffee mug or the pattern on your coworker’s tie. Next, touch four things—feel the fabric of your shirt or the smooth surface of your desk. Listen for three different sounds, find two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste (yes, even if it’s just the aftertaste of your lunch). This technique is like a mental reset button, bringing you back from wherever anxiety was trying to drag you.

Grounding is a key part of holistic therapy because it doesn’t just help you calm down—it helps you connect with what’s real, right now. Instead of trying to ignore your anxiety, these exercises remind yourself that you have the power to find calm, even when things feel chaotic.

Woman engaging in an online somatic therapy session from her Los Angeles home. Woman is smiling with a laptop on a wooden desk.

Mindful Breathing Techniques for Instant Stress Relief in Holistic Therapy

2. Mindful Breathing

Ever wish you could run away and move into a yurt whenever work stress starts creeping in? Mindful breathing helps nurture that feeling. The best part? It’s super simple, and you don’t need any special equipment—just your breath. Studies show that mindful breathing can help lower those pesky cortisol levels (you know, the stress hormone that likes to stick around) and bring you back to a state of calm.

Here’s How You Can Try It:

Box Breathing: A Holistic Approach to Calm Your Mind

This technique is straightforward but powerful. Imagine drawing a box with your breath: inhale slowly for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and hold again for four. Repeat this a few times. It’s like giving your nervous system a little hug, helping to regulate your heartbeat and bring everything back to baseline. Think of it as hitting the reset button on your stress.

Deep Belly Breathing: Effective for Anxiety and Stress Management

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Breathe in deeply through your nose, letting your belly expand as you do—like you’re filling up a balloon. Keep your chest still and let your belly rise. Then, slowly exhale through your mouth. This kind of breathing taps into your parasympathetic nervous system—the part that helps you relax. It’s like telling your body, “Hey, we’re safe, everything’s okay.”

Making mindful breathing a regular part of your routine doesn’t just help in the moment—it builds emotional resilience over time. It’s one of those small practices that, done consistently, can make a big difference in how you handle stress, whether you’re in the middle of a hectic workday or just trying to unwind after hours. Give it a try the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed!

Person doing a holistic therapy session on a laptop with a pug sitting on their lap.

Mindfulness Breaks: Quick Strategies for Anxiety Reduction at Work

3. Take Mindfulness Breaks: Small Moments, Big Impact

You don’t need a whole yoga session or a day off to reset your mind—sometimes, all it takes is a few mindful moments to turn things around. Mindfulness breaks are like giving your brain a breather. They’re quick, they’re easy, and they can make a world of difference in managing anxiety at work.

Enhance Your Holistic Therapy Routine

Set Reminders for Mindfulness Breaks:

Use your phone or computer to set a reminder every couple of hours. When that alarm goes off, take it as your cue to pause. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly. Focus solely on your breathing for just a minute or two. Let any tension in your body go as you breathe out. Think of it as a mini reset for your mind.

Reduce Stress with Holistic Practices

Mindful Walking

If you can, step away from your desk and take a short walk—whether it’s outside in the fresh air or just around your office. As you walk, pay attention to how your feet feel hitting the ground, the rhythm of your steps, the way the air feels on your skin. These short walks can clear your head and help you return to your work with a refreshed perspective.

Mindfulness breaks are a powerful way to keep anxiety from building up throughout the day. They help you stay grounded and present, making it easier to handle whatever comes your way. Apps like Headspace or Calm can guide you through these practices if you need a little help getting started. Studies have shown that even brief mindfulness practices can significantly reduce anxiety and improve mood

Couch in a holistic therapy office in Los Angeles.

4. Stimulate Your Sense of Smell & Regulate Your Nervous System

Sometimes you just need a little help calming down, and that’s where aromatherapy can help. Essential oils aren’t just about nice smells—they remind your nervous system that it is safe. Tapping into your senses by using calming scents can actually help reset your mind and lower anxiety levels by tapping into your brain’s relaxation response. Here are a few go-to oils to keep on hand when you need a quick chill-out session.

Popular Essential Oils for Anxiety Relief:

  • Lavender: This one’s the classic for a reason. Lavender is known for its super calming effects. Just having a small bottle at your desk can trigger those relaxation signals in your brain and body. Whenever things start to feel overwhelming, take a quick sniff. Inhale deeply, and let that soothing scent bring you back to center. 
  • Chamomile: We know chamomile for its soothing tea, but the essential oil packs the same stress-busting punch. Put a few drops in a diffuser, and let it work its magic around your workspace. The gentle aroma helps create a calming environment, making it easier to keep anxiety at bay.
  • Peppermint: Need to wake up and calm down at the same time? Peppermint’s got you covered. It’s invigorating yet soothing, perfect for those moments when you need to clear your head and relax. Dab a drop on your wrists or temples, take a deep breath, and feel that tension start to melt away.
Two people sitting on camping chairs near a camper in Los Angeles during sunset.

5. Gratitude Journaling: Shift Your Perspective

Gratitude journaling is one of those small habits that can actually change your brain. When you take a moment to recognize the good things happening in your life, even the little things, you start to see the day differently. Shifting your focus from stress to appreciation can help lighten the load and give you a more positive outlook.

How to Start a Gratitude Journal:

End-of-Day Reflection: Gratitude Practices for Anxiety Reduction

Before you wrap up your day, take a few minutes to jot down three things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be life-changing at all. It could be as simple as enjoying a really good cup of coffee, a moment of peace, or a kind word from a friend or coworker. Writing them down helps you acknowledge those positive moments and ends your day on a good note.

Morning Gratitude Rituals: Setting a Positive Tone for the Day

Start your day with a positive mindset by writing down what you’re looking forward to. It might be a project you’re excited about, meeting up with a friend, or even just the promise of a relaxing evening. This sets a positive tone for your day and can help reduce that morning anxiety that sometimes sneaks in.

Research backs this up: Regular gratitude practice is linked to improved mood, reduced stress, and better mental health. It’s a simple routine, but it can make a real difference in how you feel and handle the everyday pressures of work

Woman with tattoos practicing downward dog yoga pose during a somatic therapy session in Los Angeles.

How Somatic Therapy in Los Angeles Supports Anxiety and Trauma Relief

6. Somatic Therapy in LA: Tune Into Your Body’s Wisdom

Sometimes it feels like life in Los Angeles is moving a million miles an hour, and it’s easy to lose touch with what’s going on inside your own body. That’s where somatic therapy comes in. It’s all about slowing down and tuning in—paying attention to those physical sensations that are quietly telling you how you really feel. Somatic therapy isn’t just for dealing with big traumas – it’s a practical way to handle everyday stress and anxiety by listening to your body’s signals.

What to Expect in Somatic Therapy in Los Angeles:

  • Body Awareness Exercises: We start simple. Maybe it’s noticing the tension in your shoulders or the way your jaw tightens when you’re stressed. By becoming aware of these little cues, you can start understanding how your body holds onto anxiety. It’s about connecting the dots between your physical and emotional experiences.
  • Movement Practices: Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a yoga master. It’s more about gentle movements that help you release tension and feel more connected. Think of it as a way to shake off the stress and get back to feeling like yourself. Even small movements can have a big impact on how you feel.
  • Breathwork: Breathing is something we do every day, but how often do we really pay attention to it? In somatic therapy, we use intentional breathwork to help calm your nervous system. It’s about finding a rhythm that feels good and helps you relax. Sometimes just a few deep breaths can shift your whole mindset.


At my practice here in Los Angeles, I make sure that your somatic therapy experience is tailored to what you need. Whether you’re dealing with chronic stress, anxiety, or just need a way to feel more grounded, I’m here to help. If you’re ready to explore how somatic therapy can support you, reach out today. It’s amazing what can happen when you start listening to your body.

Person overlooking Los Angeles cliff at sunset. Shows an individuals shadow from the back, wearing a backpack.

Let’s Work Through Your Anxiety Together

I get it—life in L.A. can be a lot. Between the traffic, the constant movement, and everything else life throws at you, it’s easy to feel like anxiety is just part of the deal. But it doesn’t have to run the show. Whether you’re grounding yourself with some simple techniques, taking a minute to breathe, or tapping into the wisdom of your own body with somatic therapy, you have tools to help you find your calm.

Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. If you’re ready to dive deeper and figure out what really works for you, I’m here to help. We’ll work together to create a plan that makes sense for your life, so you can start feeling like you again. Because you deserve to feel good, and you deserve support that gets it. Reach out, and let’s start figuring this out together.

Holistic Therapy in Los Angeles: Ready to Transform Your Anxiety and Trauma?

Hey there, I’m Cheryl Groskopf. If you’ve ever felt like anxiety has been running the show or that old trauma keeps showing up when you least expect it, you’re in the right place. I’m a therapist based here in Los Angeles, and I specialize in helping people navigate anxiety, trauma, and attachment issues. I know life can throw some serious curveballs, and my goal is to help you not just survive, but actually feel good about your life.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you’re ready to start your holistic therapy journey. Let’s work together to create the life you want.

Holistic Counseling

My approach is all about getting real and diving deep. I use a blend of IFS therapy, somatic therapy, and holistic methods to support you in reconnecting with yourself. We’ll work together to understand how your past might be affecting your present and to find ways to change those patterns. Whether it’s managing CPTSD from difficult childhood experiences, breaking free from the grip of anxiety, or healing from the emotional wounds of trauma, I’m here to guide you through it.

Therapy with me isn’t just about talking—it’s about experiencing. I believe healing happens when we pay attention to our whole selves, not just our thoughts but also our bodies and emotions. If you’re ready to explore how you can start feeling more connected, grounded, and in control of your life, reach out to me. Let’s take this journey together.