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Photo of complex ptsd therapist in Los Angeles, Cheryl Groskopf, LMFT, LPCC. She is wearing a pink top, smiling, and light brown hair.

Ever Wondered How Somatic Therapy Can Help Your Anxiety?

Your Path to Anxiety Relief

Does it ever feel like no matter how much yoga or meditation you do, the anxiety still just won’t go away?  That’s because anxiety isn’t just stuck in your thoughts…it’s in your body.  

Somatic therapy is getting a lot more popular – and for good reason.  Somatic therapy listens to what your body is trying to tell you.  Instead of trying to focus on just your thoughts or talking about them, somatic therapy actually taps into the wisdom of oru bodies.  What I’m noticing is that more and more people in LA are starting to realize that if you really want to manage anxiety, starting with the mind doesn’t always work – you need to start with your body 

Logos of media outlets where holistic therapy in Los Angeles has been featured

Curious About How Somatic Therapy Works?

What is Somatic Therapy?

Have you ever had a feeling before your mind even catches up?  Like when your stomach drops before you even realize that you’re anxious?  Ever wonder why that is? 

Your mind and body are constantly talking to each other because they’re connected. Sometimes, we forget to listen to what our body’s saying. In somatic psychotherapy, we pay attention to those physical signals—like that heaviness, the gut feeling in your stomach, or tense shoulders—because they’re clues to what is really going on.  They give you more clues as to what you’re feeling and experiencing than our thoughts do! 

What makes this approach powerful is that it doesn’t just stop at talking about your stress or anxiety. It goes deeper by helping you feel it in your body, then release it. 

So what can this do? Body awareness can actually rewire how your body responds to stress in the long run


group of people in their 20s and 30s camping in a cute RV, smiling and enjoying their time. Anxiety therapy Los Angeles and people-pleasing therapy Los Angeles

Why is Life in LA So Stressful?

Why Los Angeles is Unique

I love living in Los Angeles.  I am born and raised here, and have zero plans of leaving any time soon.  But I’ll ALSO be honest – it’s kind of exhausting at times.  LA attracts people who are driven, ambitious, and maybe even a little addicted to perfection.  And as a therapist in Los Angeles, I can confidently tell you that that constant push to be “on” all the time comes at a cost.  

And living in LA now vs. 10 or 20 years ago?  Social media.  Oy vey. The pressure to always be showing a mask of a perfect life, whether on social media or in real life, means you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. It may seem surface level, but it’s not.  This stress and comparison makes you question your worth, your success, and whether you’re actually doing a good enough job.  If YOU’RE good enough.Then there’s the isolation factor. LA is spread out, and even though you’re surrounded by people, it can feel like everyone’s in their own bubble. The city is designed for cars, not connections, and that physical distance can turn into emotional distance. You can be in a crowded room and still feel completely alone, which can fuel anxiety in a way that’s hard to pin down.

Another layer? The unpredictability of it all.

Especially if you’re in the industry or a creative.  You never know when your next job, call time, or opportunity could be.  And that underlying tension never really goes away.  It feels like you’re always waiting for the next thing, and that constant state of “what’s next” or “what else should I be doing” keeps your nervous system on EDGE. 

And then there’s the weather.  The beautiful yes.  Yes, it’s sunny and beautiful, but there’s something disorienting about it always being the same. The lack of seasons has a serious impact on your brain, your sense of time and where you are in life.  It makes it hard to stay grounded.  Without the change of seasons to indicate or break up the passing of time,  days start to blend into each other.  It can feel like you’re stuck in a loop –  which only adds to the stress and autopilot. 

Sick of Traditional Talk Therapy?

What makes somatic therapy in LA different from traditional talk therapy?

Easy – with talk therapy, the focus is on your thoughts and feelings—basically what’s going on in your mind. Somatic therapy, on the other hand, goes a step further by paying attention to how your BODY  is responding. I ask you not just about what you think and feel, but what’s happening in your body when you’re thinking or feeling those things.

For example, maybe when you’re anxious, you notice a weird pit in your stomach. If I was your therapist, I would  have you focus on those sensations, and bring awareness to how your body is holding onto that anxiety. It might involve grounding exercises, like feeling your feet on the floor, or body awareness that helps you notice where you’re tense.

The whole point is to get in tune with your body’s wisdom.  Why? Because your body knows more about what you’re going through than your mind does. And when you start listening to your body, you can start to heal in a way that goes deeper than just talking or thinking about it.

Why More LA Locals Are Choosing Somatic Therapy

The Perks of Somatic Psychotherapy

Reduced Anxiety

Anxiety is soooo much more than just worrying or being stuck in thought spirals.  Anxiety has a FEELING.  And you could feel it in your body.  Instead of just talking about how anxiety feels, I work with my clients on working directly WITH these physical sensations. Even just acknowledging your nervous system can help it feel more regulated.  

Improved Stress Management

When you’re stressed, you can use tools to help you manage your stress.  For example, techniques like grounding exercises help you feel more present in the moment.  This makes stress feel less overwhelming because you’re reminding your body that it is safe.  

Enhanced Emotional Regulation

Somatic therapy naturally helps you regulate your emotions.. When you increase your awareness of how emotions show up in your body—like tightness in your chest when you’re anxious, or a lump in your throat when you’re sad—you can start to WORK with these feelings… rather than be overwhelmed by them.

Close-up of two women holding hands during a supportive somatic therapy session in Los Angeles, emphasizing connection and healing

Not Sure What to Expect? Here's some Info!

What to Expect in a Somatic Therapy Session

Alright, so you’re probably wondering what actually happens in a somatic therapy session. Let’s break it down!

First off, forget the idea that therapy is just about sitting in silence, starting at your therapist, and forcing yourself to talk. In a somatic therapy session, we’re getting a lot more hands-on—figuratively speaking, of course. You’ll be guided to focus on what’s happening in your body, like noticing where you might be holding tension or how your breathing changes when you talk about something stressful.

A typical session might start with a simple check-in, just to see how you’re feeling that day. But pretty quickly, we’ll shift gears to focus on the physical sensations you’re experiencing. Maybe you’re feeling tightness in your chest or a heaviness in your stomach. We’ll explore that, not in a woo-woo way, but in a very grounded, real way. Sidenote, we can also do in the ‘woo-woo’ way because I’m into that, too. The goal is to help you connect the dots between your emotions and what’s happening in your body. 

Woman with her hands together in the prayer position while engaging in somatic therapy for anxiety in Los Angeles. Woman is wearing a white shirt, face not shown.

Healing both Mind & Body For True Healing

Misconceptions About Mind+Body Healing

Now, I know some people have concerns or misconceptions about somatic therapy. Maybe you’re thinking, “Is this going to be weird? Am I just going to be lying there, breathing deeply while my therapist chants or something?” Absolutely not. Somatic therapy is about helping you feel more at HOME in your own body, and that process is TOTALLY personalized. We go at your pace, and nothing happens without your full comfort and consent. And because I conduct my sessions online, there is no awkwardness of laying down or fearing that you will need to be touched.  You won’t.  

One of the best parts of somatic therapy is how tailored it is to you. No two sessions are the same because no two people are the same. We’ll work with what’s coming up for you specifically- whether that’s stress, anxiety, or something else entirely.

If you’re still  curious but a little unsure, please know that somatic therapy is a safe, supportive space where you can explore how your body and mind connect.

Person typing on a keyboard at a desk with a dog sitting beside them during an online somatic therapy session in Los Angeles

Is Somatic Therapy Right For Me?

Questions I Often Get Asked About Somatic Psychotherapy

I get it—trying something new can be a bit intimidating, especially when it comes to therapy. Maybe you’re used to traditional talk therapy and aren’t sure if somatic therapy is for you. Or maybe you’re just not sure what to expect and don’t want to feel out of your comfort zone. Let’s clear some of that up!

Do I have to be super in touch with my body to benefit from somatic therapy?

The answer is no. You don’t need to be a yoga master or someone who’s already super mindful. Somatic therapy meets you where you are. Whether you’re totally new to this kind of work or already have some experience with body-based practices, we’ll go at YOUR pace and focus on what feels right for YOU.

What If I Don’t Feel Comfortable With this Type of Therapy? 

That’s totally valid. Somatic therapy isn’t about pushing you into anything you’re not ready for. It’s about helping you connect with your body in a way that feels safe and supportive. If something doesn’t feel right, we adjust. Your comfort is always the priority, and every session is guided by what you’re comfortable with.

Is It All Just Physical? 

And let’s talk about just one more question I often hear: “Is somatic therapy just about physical exercises?” Not at all. While we do focus on the body, body-centered therapy is holistic. It’s about understanding the connection between your mind, body, and emotions. We might use techniques like grounding exercises or breathwork, but it’s all in service of helping you feel more connected and less overwhelmed by stress and anxiety.

If you’ve been feeling stuck or like traditional therapy hasn’t quite gotten to the root of your anxiety or stress, somatic counseling might be worth a shot. 

It’s a really  powerful, personal approach that’s all about YOU-  and what you need to heal.

Person sitting on the floor, drawing with focus and calm during a somatic therapy session in Los Angeles

Holistic Therapy in Los Angeles

Somatic Therapy is Different

The bottom Line?: Somatic therapy is different. It doesn’t just focus on your thoughts or feelings—it gets to the CORE of how anxiety and stress show up in your body. By tuning into your body’s signals and working with them, you can start to release the tension, stress, and even the trauma that’s been holding you back. I am NOT about quick fixes or surface-level solutions; I am only interested in real, deep healing that can make a lasting impact.

If you’re tired of feeling stuck or like traditional methods aren’t cutting it, holistic body-based therapy could be the answer. It’s a personalized, holistic way to get to the root of what’s causing your anxiety or stress – and finally start to feel better. 

Take the first step, and see how connecting with your body can lead to real, meaningful change. You deserve to feel good in your own skin, and somatic therapy can help you get there!

Your Guide to Breaking Free from People-Pleasing

About Cheryl Groskopf, LMFT, LPCC

I’m Cheryl Groskopf, and I’m a counselor in Los Angeles.  I love helping my clients get out of their head and back into their bodies. 

My focus is on somatic and holistic therapy that talk therapy sometimes misses. If you’re dealing with anxiety, trauma, CPTSD, anxious attachment, or just feel stuck in a loop, I’m here to guide you through it.

My approach pulls from a mix of IFS, somatic, and holistic therapies. In my work, we don’t just TALK about your struggles—we actually work through them in a way that brings lasting change.

If you’re ready to dig deeper and explore a therapy that gets to the root of things, I’m here for you!

Let’s get started and find the healing you’ve been looking for.

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Top Local Recommendations for Holistic Healing in Los Angeles

Cool Places To Check Out

Los Angeles Wellness Collective A local hub for holistic practices in LA, offering everything from acupuncture to nutrition support. It’s a good resource if you’re exploring different ways to support your health.

The Den MeditationA meditation studio in LA. It’s a place to explore mindfulness in a structured environment.

Unplug Meditation 
Unplug offers guided meditation classes that can help clients deepen their mindfulness practice, supporting the work you do in somatic therapy

Somatic Therapy Books

The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment” by Babette Rothschild
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When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection” by Gabor Maté

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The Tao of Trauma: A Practitioner’s Guide for Integrating Five Element Theory and Trauma Treatment” by Alaine D. Duncan and Kathy L. Kain

Check it out here