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Holistic Therapist Los Angeles

Internal Family Systems Therapy Los Angeles

Even when you’re exhausted, you still push yourself way too hard.

Specialized Treatment for:

Anxiety | Attachment | Trauma

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Internal Family Systems Therapist Los Angeles

Can't relax because there’s always something you "should" be doing? Let’s explore the part that’s driving that

It’s like different parts of you are constantly at odds with each other. 

Like one part of you craves connection, but another part is scared shitless of being vulnerable

You’ll bend over backward to avoid conflict, even it means dismissing your own feelings.  

You push yourself way past burnout because that inner voice keeps telling you that you should be doing more

IFS therapy helps you understand why these parts exist, get them on the same page, and finally find some peace……

Without Losing Who You Are in the Process.

How to Know if IFS Will Help Me​

Does this sound like you?

IFS-Informed Therapist in Los Angeles

Hi, I’m Cheryl, an IFS therapist in Los Angeles.  If you feel like you’re constantly fighting with yourself—one part telling you to push harder while another part just wants to crawl under a rock—you’re in the right place. My focus is on helping you untangle those inner conflicts so you can finally feel some damn peace. IFS therapy helps you acknowledge and understand why these parts of you exist – and getting them to work together.

We’re going to dig deep here. I’m not interested in surface level healing – I’m here to help you make real, lasting changes. We’ll explore the reasons you feel torn between perfectionism and self-doubt, why that inner critic is so loud, and how you can start living in a way that feels more aligned with who you really are.

We’ll work on actionable steps, whether that’s setting boundaries with yourself, learning to embrace those scared or angry parts of yourself, or finally turning down that need to be “perfect.” My goal is to help you stop the internal struggles and start living a life that feels whole. I also mix in somatic therapy and a holistic approach because your mind and body are in this together.

Whether you’re dealing with relationship strugglestrauma, CPTSD, or anxiety, I’m here to help you get unstuck. Ready to get out of your own head and start feeling more like yourself? Let’s make it happen.

Internal Family Systems Model

What is IFS

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is based on the premise that each individual has different “parts” within themselves. Each of these “parts” has its own unique emotions, memories, and perspectives. The goal of IFS is to understand and integrate these internal parts to promote healing and balance.

The process involves exploring these different aspects within yourself.  We do this by acknowledging their presence and developing a non-judgmental relationship with them. The aim is not to eliminate certain thoughts or emotions, but to promote a sense of internal harmony. This allows you to lead your internal world with greater awareness, and helps you make more informed decisions. It’s a practical and results-oriented approach that enhances your self-awareness, resilience, and your overall well-being.

How Does IFS Work?

In an IFS session, we engage with these individual parts to better understand and address their specific roles and purposes to your overall well-being The focus is on creating a more balanced and cohesive internal environment. Rather than treating certain thoughts or emotions as obstacles, IFS views them as valuable components that can be understood and integrated for a more harmonious way of being.


IFS Therapist Los Angeles

How IFS Helps Treat Anxiety

IFS helps with anxiety by helping you understand and work with the different thoughts and feelings in your mind. Instead of seeing them as good or bad, we explore why they’re there and what they need. By acknowledging and listening to these thoughts and feelings, it’s like giving a voice to each part of you. This process helps to ease the tension and anxiety because each part feels heard and understood. Through this understanding, you become more in control and less overwhelmed by anxious thoughts. It’s about creating harmony within yourself so that anxiety doesn’t take over, allowing you to navigate life with more ease and confidence.

IFS Therapist Los Angeles

How IFS Helps Heal Attachment

IFS helps with attachment by exploring the ways you connect with others and understanding the different patterns in your relationships. Instead of labeling these patterns as good or bad, we look at why they developed and what purpose they served. Through this exploration, you gain insight into how you relate to others and why certain patterns may cause difficulties. IFS therapy helps you build a healthier and more secure attachment style by acknowledging and understanding the different ways you’ve learned to connect. It’s about creating a secure base within yourself so that you can form more fulfilling and stable relationships with others.

IFS Therapist Los Angeles

How IFS Helps Treat Trauma

IFS supports healing from trauma by helping you understand and work through the impact of distressing experiences. Instead of seeing trauma as something broken within you, IFS recognizes that different parts of you might be carrying the weight of those experiences. The therapy process involves acknowledging and exploring these parts in a safe and supportive environment. By giving a voice to the emotions and memories related to trauma, you can gradually process and release their hold on you. It’s about creating a space within yourself for healing, where the burden of trauma lessens, allowing you to move forward with greater resilience and a sense of wholeness. 

Reviews From Google

Cheryl truly listens. It’s been tough to find a therapist I not only trust, but that I believe has my best interest at heart. I appreciate then that my work with her has given me that objective support I’ve been looking for. Cheryl is able to see an issue from multiple angles, and works to help me gain a better perspective. I always feel better, and a little braver too, after my sessions with her.
Cheryl has all the qualities of a fantastic therapist. She’s always engaged, knowledgeable, and kind. She creates a supportive space to explore areas of trauma at a speed that’s right for me. Having her on “my team” has helped me tremendously – incredibly grateful for her!
Truly an amazing experience. I’m always hesitant towards therapy and it’s hard for me to feel that comfortable with someone i hardly know to talk about my personal life and thoughts, but Cheryl is an absolute amazing therapist. I became more and more comfortable and trusting with her. She doesn’t push me to talk about subjects in my life if I’m not quite ready for and she’s very comforting. It feels like she actually listens and cares, instead of my other experiences where your typical “head nodder” “read this book of life lessons” kinda deal, she’s not that! I’m really happy i found her and it’s boosted my morale. I feel good!

IFS Therapist Los Angeles

Ready to Begin Your Healing Journey?

IFS Therapist Los Angeles

What You Gain in IFS Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS) helps by providing a structured and compassionate approach to understanding and addressing the various aspects within you. Here’s how IFS can support you:

IFS allows for a deep exploration of your internal landscape, helping you identify and understand the different “parts” or aspects of yourself.

It focuses on using compassionate dialogue with these internal parts, promoting understanding and harmony. This can lead to a more integrated and balanced sense of self.

If you struggle trusting others or fear rejection (which often stems from past traumas), IFS provides a framework to address and navigate these challenges with self-compassion and curiosity. 

IFS is a great tool to help you heal from trauma. IFS allows you to work through the lingering effects of traumatic experiences by acknowledging and integrating the emotions and experiences associated with those events.

Through IFS, you acquire practical tools and strategies to navigate emotions. The tools are authentic to you and your needs. 

IFS empowers you to navigate the complexities of your internal world. When you understand yourself, the more secure and fulfilling you feel in your body and the world around you. 

Inner child work can be incorporated into the framework of IFS therapy. In IFS, the inner child is considered one of the many parts within the internal system. I will work with you to acknowledge and heal the wounded inner child through dialogue, exploration, and integration within the IFS model.

Internal Family System Parts

What Kind of "Parts" Are There in IFS?

In Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, various parts are recognized as distinct facets of an individual’s internal world. These parts can be categorized into three primary types:

  • Description: Exiles are parts of the psyche that hold memories, emotions, and beliefs related to past traumatic experiences. They often carry intense emotions such as fear, shame, or sadness.
  • Role: Exiles are typically hidden or pushed away to avoid the pain associated with the traumatic memories. However, their emotions may surface unexpectedly, influencing thoughts and behaviors.
  • Description: Managers are proactive parts that aim to maintain control, prevent vulnerability, and ensure that the individual functions effectively in the external world. They often exhibit traits such as perfectionism, rigidity, or overachievement.
  • Role: Managers work to prevent the re-emergence of exiled emotions by maintaining order, control, and high standards. They may engage in behaviors aimed at avoiding vulnerability or emotional pain.
  • Description: Firefighters are reactive parts that emerge when the exiled emotions become overwhelming. They engage in impulsive or distracting behaviors, such as substance abuse, self-harm, or other intense activities, to numb or escape emotional distress.
  • Role: Firefighters act as a protective mechanism, attempting to extinguish or escape the overwhelming emotions associated with the exiled parts.
  • Description: The “Self” is considered a core aspect within an individual. It is characterized by qualities such as curiosity, calmness, and clarity.
  • Role: The goal of IFS therapy is for the Self to take on a leadership role, facilitating communication and cooperation among the various parts. The Self provides a balanced and compassionate perspective.

These parts operate within the internal system, and IFS therapy aims to help individuals navigate and harmonize these aspects to promote healing, self-awareness, and overall well-being.

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Internal Family Systems Therapy in Los Angeles

Internal Family Systems Therapy Los Angeles: FAQ

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz. Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is a direct and effective method focused on understanding and navigating the various aspects of your mind. It acknowledges that your mind isn’t singular but consists of different parts,

IFS therapy in Los Angeles provides a unique path to healing by fostering a compassionate relationship with your internal parts. It empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, not judgment. 

IFS therapy addresses and navigates the impact of trauma by acknowledging and integrating associated emotions. IFS therapy in Los Angeles provides a comprehensive approach to healing by using a compassionate relationship with your internal parts. It empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience.

Session duration varies based on individual needs. In Los Angeles, IFS therapy sessions with me are 50 minutes once a week, every week. 

Practicing “in the here and now” awareness of your parts and experience helps you develop a non-judgmental acceptance of your experiences. This helps overall wellbeing by helping you identify your emotions, and support emotional regulation.

Absolutely. IFS therapy is versatile, addressing both everyday stressors and profound traumas in Los Angeles. It offers tools to navigate various life challenges and cultivate a more balanced internal world.

While coverage varies, some insurance plans in Los Angeles cover IFS therapy. Contact your provider to understand your specific coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses. If you have PPO insurance, I offer “Superbills” for reimbursement. 

While Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is widely regarded for its effectiveness and positive outcomes, it may not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals may find the process of exploring and confronting their internal parts challenging or emotionally intense. Additionally, the pace of self-discovery and healing can vary, and some might prefer more structured therapeutic approaches. It’s important to recognize that IFS therapy requires a commitment to self-exploration, openness to addressing deep-rooted emotions, and a willingness to engage in ongoing inner work. As with any therapeutic approach, individual experiences may differ, and potential drawbacks should be discussed openly with a qualified therapist to determine the best fit for your specific needs and preferences

Yes, Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is effective for addressing childhood trauma and Complex PTSD. The IFS model acknowledges that individuals may develop various protective “parts” as a response to past traumas, and these parts can impact emotional well-being. IFS therapy helps individuals explore and understand these parts with compassion, allowing for healing and integration. By working with the inner dynamics related to childhood trauma, you can develop a healthier relationship with yourself, enhance self-awareness, and promote emotional resilience.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of any therapeutic approach (including IFS) can vary from person to person. The choice of therapy should always align with your specific needs and preferences. 

Yes, Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is an evidence-based based. Research studies and clinical evidence suggest that IFS can be effective in treating various psychological issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, and relational challenges.

If you have questions or concerns about IFS therapy in Los Angeles, I recommend that you consult with your therapist.  

The duration of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy varies based on your individual needs. IFS is designed to be a focused and efficient therapeutic approach, with some experiencing meaningful results in just a few months.

However, for more intricate or deep-seated issues, therapy may extend to a year or longer. The duration is a collaborative decision between the client and the therapist, and regular communication ensures that the therapy aligns with the your progress and evolving goals.

Exploring Internal Family Systems (IFS) on your own is possible with available resources. However,  the depth and effectiveness of the process often benefit from the guidance of a trained therapist. IFS involves understanding and navigating the various parts of oneself, and a therapist provides a supportive space for this exploration. While self-help materials introduce the concepts, working with me can help you navigate emotional processes, work with different parts, and help you gain valuable insights throughout your healing journey.