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10 Frequently Asked Questions About Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles

Picture of Cheryl Groskopf, LMFT, LPCC

Cheryl Groskopf, LMFT, LPCC

Holistic Anxiety, Trauma, and Attachment Therapist in Los Angeles

Finding Peace in Los Angeles: Your Guide to Trauma Therapy

Interested in Beginning Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, But Not Sure What to Expect?

If you’re on a path to beginning trauma therapy, you’re in the right spot. My name is Cheryl Groskopf, and I specialize in helping individuals suffering from trauma, the weight of anxiety, and the everyday complexities that show up in adult life. 

If you live in a city as large and fast-paced as Los Angeles, it’s easy to overlook the silent struggles that we face every. single. day. This blog is is meant to help demystify trauma therapy. Here, I’ll unpack what it really means to engage in this transformative process. 

1. What exactly does a trauma therapist do?

As a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, I’m not just another counselor nodding in agreement and jotting down notes. I’m here to actively engage with you,  peel back the layers of your experiences and get to the core of what’s been holding you back. It’s about digging into those deep or exiled places that you’ve maybe avoided or didn’t even know existed.

Trauma therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing. Each person I see brings their unique story – a mix of pain, resilience, and potential. My role is to guide you through the process of understanding and healing from your trauma. We’re talking about transforming those deep-seated patterns that have been dictating your life without your consent.

It’s about empowerment, too. I help you take back control – not just over your thoughts and feelings, but over your life’s narrative. We’ll work together to reframe your experiences, building resilience and growth. This isn’t about dwelling on the past; it’s about leveraging it to build a stronger, more authentic you. And along the way, I’m right there with you, offering insights and strategies rooted in the latest research and my years of experience in this field.

Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles

2. How do I know if I need trauma therapy?

Okay, let’s be real. Knowing whether you need trauma therapy isn’t always as straightforward as we’d like it to be. It’s not like there’s a big neon sign pointing to ‘yes’ or ‘no’. But here’s the thing – if you’re constantly feeling like a ball of anxiety, or your body is constantly feeling in threat or survival mode, it’s worth exploring. As a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, I’ve seen firsthand how unresolved trauma can play hide-and-seek with your peace of mind.

Think about it. Are you often on edge, struggling with relationships, or feeling like you’re just going through the motions? Maybe you’re finding it hard to connect with others or yourself. Or perhaps there are moments when your past crashes into your present, uninvited and unwelcome. These are signs from your subconscious saying it might be time to delve deeper.

Trauma therapy isn’t about dredging up pain for the sake of it. It’s about giving a voice to your experiences and finding ways to move forward. It’s about understanding how these fragments of your past are still influencing your here and now experience. I’m here to help you unpack all that baggage – not to sift through it endlessly, but to finally put it down.

So, if you’re tired of carrying the weight of your past, feeling lost in your own life, let’s talk. As a trauma therapist based in Los Angeles, I can offer you a space to explore, understand, and ultimately, heal. This isn’t about fixing you – because you’re not broken. It’s about helping you find your way back to your true, authentic self.

man in california los angeles looking at mountains. man is faced away, looking at los angeles landscape.

Trauma Therapy Vs. Regular Therapy in LA: Understanding the Key Differences

3. What's the difference between trauma therapy and regular therapy?

There’s therapy, and then there’s trauma therapy. They may seem similar, but there’s a worldddddd of difference between the two. Regular therapy can be like skimming the surface, addressing present-day challenges, and offering strategies to cope. It’s valuable, sure!  But sometimes it doesn’t dive deep enough. As a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, I’m all about going beneath the surface. We’re not just talking about your week or tackling surface-level issues; we’re exploring the roots of what’s really going on.

Trauma therapy is specialized. It’s designed for those moments and experiences in your life that have left a mark (aka the kind of stuff that regular therapy might not fully address). This can mean experiences or beliefs or even narratives that have been formed that shape how you see yourself, how you relate to others, and how you navigate the world. It’s not about quick fixes; it’s about long-term healing and understanding.

In trauma therapy, we use specific techniques and approaches tailored to healing from traumatic experiences. I help you with understanding how these experiences have wired your brain and body, and help you rewire them for resilience and recovery. We work on finding and using your strength in vulnerability – turning what might feel like your biggest weaknesses into sources of power.

So, if you’re feeling stuck, if the same patterns keep playing out in your life, or if there’s an uncomfortable sensation in your body that just won’t let go, trauma therapy might be the path for you. It’s a deeper dive, and yes, it can be tough at times. But as a trauma therapist right here in Los Angeles, I’m committed to guiding you through it. Together, we’ll explore, understand, heal, and help you feel not just unburdened from your past, but empowered by your journey.

Tackling Anxiety and Attachment: The Impact of Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles

4. Can trauma therapy help with anxiety and attachment issues?

If you’re tangled up in an “anxiety ball” or if your relationships feel like a rollercoaster of insecurity, then yes, trauma therapy in Los Angeles can be a game changer! I’ve seen too many people carrying the weight of their past, and it’s this heavy weight often fuels anxiety and messes with how we connect with others.

Anxiety isn’t just about being nervous. It’s a sneaky little fucker that is ALWAYS trying to help you stay safe (remember – it has a good intention) but it often infiltrates your thoughts, your body, and how you relate to the world and people around you. And attachment? Well, that’s the blueprint of how we do relationships – and it’s often drafted in our earliest years of development and influenced by our experiences and traumas. So, when you’re dealing with attachment wounds, you’re not just dealing with relationship issues. You’re actually  dealing with deep-seated patterns that trace back to your formative experiences.

In trauma therapy, we don’t just slap a band-aid on these issues. We go deeper. We explore how your past traumas are impacting your present. We work to understand how your experiences have shaped your reactions, your relationships, and your view of yourself. And then, we get to work on rewriting those narratives. It’s about untangling the knots of your past, so you can breathe easier, relate better, and live more authentically.

If you’re struggling with these issues, please know that you’re not alone, and there is a path forward. As a trauma therapist, I’m here to walk that path with you. Together, we’ll work to understand your anxiety and attachment style, heal from your past, and build a future where you feel secure, connected, and in control of your life.

The Journey of Healing: What to Expect from the Trauma Therapy Timeline

5. How long does trauma therapy typically take?

Alright – let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the timeline for trauma therapy. If you’re looking for a quick fix, I’m going to be upfront – that’s not how trauma therapy works. As a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, I know everyone’s journey is different. Your path to healing isn’t going to look like anyone else’s. It’s as individual as you are. This is a good thing.

The truth is, healing from trauma is not a quick race. It’s more like a marathon, with its own set of challenges and victories. Some individuals start seeing changes within a few months. For others, it could be a longer journey. It all depends on the depth and complexity of your experiences, your current life circumstances, and, importantly, how ready you are to dive into this process.

What I can promise you is this: I’m not here to rush you through or drag things out. My goal is to work at a pace that respects your needs and boundaries, ensuring that each step we take together is meaningful and contributes to your long-term healing. We’re not just putting a bandage over a wound; we’re giving it the time and care it needs to truly heal.

So, if you’re considering trauma therapy in Los Angeles, know that it’s a commitment – to yourself, to your healing, and to the process. It’s about giving yourself the time and space to understand your past, redefine your present, and embrace a future of hope. And as your therapist, I’m here to support you, every step of the way.

Los angeles landscape, showing bushes and brush on california hiking trail.

Your First Trauma Therapy Session: Setting the Stage for Healing

6. What can I expect in my first trauma therapy session?

Let’s set the scene for your initial session. Beginning therapy, especially for the first time, can feel like stepping into unknown territory. I get it, it’s scary!  But as an experienced therapist in Los Angeles, my first aim is to make this space as comfortable and safe as possible for you. This is your time, your space, and your story – and it’s my job to respect and honor that.

In our first session (or two), it’s allllll about getting to know each other. I’m not going to bombard you with a million questions or expect you to lay your soul bare. It’s more like a conversation where you lead, and I follow. We’ll touch on what brought you here, what you’re hoping to achieve, and any immediate concerns you might have. Think of it as setting the foundation for our journey together.

Don’t worry about having all the answers or even being sure about what you want to talk about. It’s completely normal to feel unsure or even a bit lost at this stage. My role is to guide you through this process, helping you to find clarity and direction at your own pace. We’re not in a rush; we’re here to do this right.

This first session is just the beginning. Together, we’ll explore, unpack, and rebuild at a pace that feels right for you. It’s about creating a path to healing that’s as unique as you are. No judgments, no pressure –  just support and understanding.

Safety First: The Promise of Confidentiality in Trauma Therapy

7. Is trauma therapy confidential?

Let’s talk trust. When you start therapy (even online), you’re entering a space that’s built on confidentiality. It’s the literal foundation of our work together.  I understand that the stories you share with me aren’t just words, but are pieces of your life. And I don’t take that lightly.

Confidentiality in therapy isn’t just a legal and ethical obligation; it’s a promise from me to you. It means that whatever you share stays between us. It’s about creating a safe space where you can speak your truth, explore your deepest fears, and start your healing journey, all without the worry of judgment or exposure. This is your space to be raw, real, and vulnerable. You can cuss if you want. You can cry if you want.  You can stare into space if you want!  Whatever you need to feel human. 

I know that opening up isn’t easy. It requires trust – a lot of it. And that’s why therapists are committed to maintaining a strict confidentiality policy. Whether we’re unpacking past traumas or navigating current challenges, you can rest assured that your privacy is a top priority. 

Your story is safe. It’s a place where you can let down your guard and be yourself, unfiltered and unafraid. Because healing starts when you feel secure enough to open up, and I’m here to provide that security, every step of the way!

Ready for Change: Preparing Yourself for Trauma Therapy

8. How do I prepare for trauma therapy?

Stepping into trauma therapy? Let’s talk about getting ready! Or, to be more accurate,, the fact that you don’t need to “get ready.” As a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, I see people come into therapy with the idea that they need to prepare, almost like they’re gearing up for a test or interview. But here’s the truth: the only thing you need to bring is yourself, just as you are.

There’s no checklist, no prep work, and certainly no expectation for you to have all (or any) of the answers. This is not about performance or getting it ‘right.’ It’s about showing up. That’s the first and most important step. Therapy is a process, and it unfolds in its own time. It’s okay if you’re not sure what to talk about, or if you’re feeling nervous or unsure. That’s completely normal, and honestly, it’s part of the journey.

What I CAN suggest is to give yourself a bit of space before and after sessions. Therapy can stir up a lot of emotions, and it’s important to allow yourself time to process and breathe. This isn’t just another appointment to squeeze into your busy Los Angeles life. It’s a space for you to explore, reflect, and heal. So, try not to rush off to the next thing on your agenda right away.

Remember, this is about you, your pace, and your journey. As your trauma therapist, I’m here to walk alongside you, offering support, insight, and understanding. We’re in this together, navigating the deep complexities of your experiences, and working towards a place of healing and growth. So, take a deep breath, and let’s take this step forward – no prep necessary!

man in los angeles seeking trauma therapy in los angeles. man is looking at sky and laying on ground.
Tools of Transformation: Techniques Used in Trauma Therapy

9. What techniques do you use in trauma therapy?

Okay. Let’s dive into the “how”of trauma therapy. As a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, I don’t stick to a rigid playbook. Why? Because you’re extremely unique, and your therapy should be too. It’s not about applying a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s about finding what resonates with you, what helps you heal and grow.

We might use cognitive-behavioral techniques to untangle the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back. Or we could explore mindfulness practices to help you stay grounded and present (especially when life feels overwhelming). Attachment therapy often comes into play too, because it helps shed light on how your early experiences shape your current relationships and sense of self. I also utilize a comprehensive holistic approach, often incorporating somatic therapy and internal family systems into our sessions. 

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about the techniques. It’s about the relationship we build together. The real “magic” happens in the space where you feel heard, understood, and valued. I know it sounds cheesy, but that’s where transformation begins. It’s a space where you can explore your deepest fears and challenges without judgment, and with a whole lot of empathy and support.

While the tools and techniques are important, the heart of our work together lies in our connection – the trust and rapport that we build. As your trauma therapist in LA, I’m committed to creating a therapy experience that’s as individual as you are, and helping you find your way back to a life that feels authentic, fulfilling, and heart conscious.

Taking the First Step: Scheduling Your Trauma Therapy Session

10. How do I schedule a session with you?

Looking to get started on your healing journey? Great! Scheduling a session with me, a trauma therapist in LA, is straightforward and (hopefully) stress-free. I want to make that first step as easy as possible for you. You’ve got enough on your plate, and  finding therapy shouldn’t add to your load.

First, head over to my contact page and set up a free 15-minute consultation. This is a no-pressure chat where we get to know each other a bit, and you can share what you’re looking to achieve with therapy. It’s also the perfect time for you to ask any questions and see if we’re a good fit. The therapist-client relationship is KEY to successful therapy, and you gotta vibe with your therapist!

So, if you’re ready to start unpacking those boxes and lightening your load, I’m here for you. As a trauma counselor based in Los Angeles, I’m committed to providing a safe, empathetic space for you to heal and grow. Your journey to a brighter, healthier future starts with that first step. Let’s take it together!

woman in los angeles, california taking photos with her camera. woman is wearing yellow shirt and hat.

Connect with a top-rated Therapist in Los Angeles

Meet Cheryl Groskopf, LMFT, LPCC

Hi, I’m Cheryl Groskopf, and I’m here to help you on your journey through trauma therapy in Los Angeles. I’ve dedicated my career to helping individuals like you overcome the complexities of trauma, anxiety, and attachment issues.

My approach to therapy is grounded in reality – it’s direct, empathetic, and all about making real progress. I believe in demystifying the healing process to make it accessible and understandable. It’s not just about just talking about your experiences; it’s about actively working through them to bring about change.

I specialize in addressing the effects of childhood trauma and Complex PTSD,  difficulties that come up in adult relationships, and the often overwhelming nature of anxiety. My aim is to empower you, to help you find your inner strength and resilience by offering practical strategies and insights that can genuinely make a difference in your life.

In my practice, I make it a priority to create a space where you feel heard, valued, and understood. I’m passionate about helping you rewrite your narrative, and transform  pain and struggle into growth and empowerment.

I offer free 15-minute consultations to help determine if it’s a good fit – I’ll let you know how or if I can help.

Additional Mental Health Resources in Los Angeles

  1. LA County Department of Mental Health Access Line:

  2. Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc.:

    • Offers legal services to people with mental health disabilities: MHAS-LA
  3. Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services:

    • Provides mental health, substance use disorder and suicide prevention services: Didi Hirsch Services
  4. The Maple Counseling Center:

    • A community mental health center providing low-cost mental health counseling: TMCC
  5. The Guidance Center:

    • Offers comprehensive mental health treatment to the community’s most disadvantaged children and their families: The Guidance Center
  6. Wellnest (Formerly Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic):

    • Provides emotional and mental health services for kids and families: Wellnest LA
  7. The Wright Institute Los Angeles (WILA):

    • Offers affordable psychotherapy and psychological assessment: WILA
  8. Southern California Counseling Center:

    • Offers affordable counseling services: SCCC
Contact Cheryl Groskopf, LMFT, LPCC and Take Charge of Your Anxiety

Online Therapy California: Holistic Therapist Los Angeles

Cheryl Groskopf is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), and has helped many individuals navigate through their challenges and find meaningful solutions.Her expertise includes working with individuals dealing with anxiety, trauma, depression, grief, and attachment issues. Cheryl’s approach to therapy is compassion based, collaborative, and tailored to the unique needs of each individual she works with. Her goal is to create a warm and supportive space where clients feel heard, understood, and  empowered to make positive changes in their lives.